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Zantac Lawsuit


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Hiring a Zantac Lawsuit Attorney in Your Area

On April 1st, 2021, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in a press release requested “…Removal of All Ranitidine Products (Zantac) from the Market.” This follows their September 2019 statement wherein they informed the healthcare community that high levels of carcinogen NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine) had been found in samples of the drug. 

This impurity with continued use of Zantac has led to it being recalled from the market, though it already caused cancer and illness in thousands. Lawsuits are being filed all over the nation and you may be eligible too. If you think you’ve been affected, you’ll have questions too. Call Legal Finders for a free case review by one of the esteemed personal injury attorneys in our network.


LegalFinders: Connecting You to the Best Zantac Lawsuit Attorneys in the Nation

Zantac is an OTC and prescription medicine known by the generic name ranitidine; the active ingredient from the histamine H2-receptor antagonists class that is a popular heartburn and stomach acid reducing medicine. Zantac was prescribed but also sold over-the-counter for years to treat conditions such as acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It has a documented history of developing a stronger, more toxic carcinogen over time while sitting on the shelf.

Many patients used Zantac as a part of their daily healthcare regiment. Due to the announcement by the FDA many individuals have legitimate concerns about the link between cancer and their use of Zantac or its use by a loved one. If you or someone you know have been affected by the side effects of Zantac use, contact LegalFinders to get connected to a law firm for a free consultation by an attorney familiar with the facts of similar claims.


Cancers Linked to Zantac

Zantac use can cause many types of cancer, such as:

  • Bladder Cancer

  • Breast Cancer 

  • Prostate Cancer

  • Stomach Cancer

  • Colorectal Cancer

  • Intestinal Cancer

  • Gastric Cancer

  • Liver Cancer

  • Lung Cancer

  • Esophageal Cancer

  • Kidney Cancer

  • Liver Cancer

  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)

  • Pancreatic Cancer

  • Respiratory Tract Cancer

  • Thyroid Cancer

Other health problems you could face include liver scarring, fibrosis, ulcers and reduced organ function in the kidneys, lung and liver, as well as other areas of the body causing a need for costly treatment, reduced quality of life and growing medical bills.

Zantac and generic ranitidine alike could be bought at pharmacies and retailers throughout the US. You can file suit against them, as well as any other distributors and drug makers. Due to impurities where high levels of carcinogenic NDMA, known as NDMA contamination, were found in the drug, many users developed cancer or other illnesses and symptoms. 

Abnormal levels of NDMA are a cancer risk, and your drug provider may have product liability. If you’ve developed cancer symptoms after long-term use of the heartburn drug, ranitidine, then you can contact us at LegalFinders to choose the right attorney to defend you in your Zantac cancer lawsuit.


Qualifying for a Zantac Lawsuit

If you’ve had negative symptoms, damage to your health, and even cancer as a result of a prescription or over-the-counter Zantac, you’re one of many people in the US who may be able to receive compensation. So many have developed cancer as a result of the toxic levels of the carcinogen NDMA found in the Zantac they consumed, and if you’re one of them you deserve justice. By reaching out to LegalFinders, we will connect you to the best attorneys to defend your claim.

If you want compensation for your illness, you need to know how to qualify to be a party to a Zantac lawsuit. To be a qualifier to a Zantac lawsuit, you must meet certain criteria:

  1. Proof of a history of Zantac (ranitidine) use

  2. Diagnosis of cancer and other illness after use

  3. Evidence of a link between your illness and Zantac

Most important to qualifying for a lawsuit is proving that you used Zantac as a regularly regimented occurrence, if not daily. To show that you were afflicted with cancer, keep documents which record it such as doctor’s prescriptions, receipts, and medical reports.

Finally, you must prove a link between your cancer or illness after consistent use of Zantac over an extended period of time by showing evidence of symptoms and attributes related to cancer. You may not qualify if you received a diagnosis after shortly receiving the medicine, such as weeks or a month of use. You most likely qualify to file a suit if you had a historical, consistent routine of Zantac usage for some underlying condition and received a cancer, or other illness, diagnosis.

Contact LegalFinders to connect you with award-winning legal teams across our wide network of vetted professionals. We’ll connect you to personal injury attorneys who will help you navigate your claim against Zantac due to your exposure to all kinds of cancer. From California to Florida, and everywhere in between, contact us today to get in touch with a law firm that can offer a free case evaluation.

Zantac drug manufacturers knew that their brand name product, even in generic form, was making people ill and giving them cancer, even as the product was being sold at stores like CVS and Walgreens.

Due to manufacturers’ negligence and product liability, and failing to warn and protect consumers of the drug’s link to cancer, makers are now facing lawsuits from thousands in the US. 

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer after using your daily heartburn medication as prescribed, be one of the many standing up to Zantac manufacturers for their carcinogenic, toxic product that made you ill by contacting LegalFinders. Drug companies have attorneys working for them, and so should you. If you’ve had NDMA exposure due to ranitidine medications, call for a free case evaluation today. We’ll connect you with an attorney who understand the sensitive nature of legal battles, the delicate balance to maintain your health and who puts the client relationship first.

If You’ve Been Diagnosed with Cancer, LegalFinders Can Recommend an Attorney to Help You File a Zantac Claim

If you’ve been diagnosed with any kind of illness, even if it was not cancer, as a result of extended Zantac use, let LegalFinders connect you with the personal injury attorneys who know what they’re doing for compensation.

We can provide you with a free legal consultation to determine your eligibility for a Zantac claim. You may have to file a different kind of lawsuit depending on your symptoms. Wondering what the Zantac recall means for you? Some additional reasons you may be able to file a suit are as follows.


Dangerous Drugs: Zantac

The World Health Organization has deemed Zantac a “probable human carcinogen” and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration agrees, pulling Zantac from shelves in a recall because of it’s dangerously high levels of NDMA. If you’ve suffered from NDMA contamination as a result of Zantac, you may have right to compensation. Here are some types of lawsuits you could be eligible to pursue:


Zantac Personal Injury Claims

A personal injury is any injury to a person. If you’ve had some personal injury as a result of continuous Zantac usage, such as liver damage or cancer,  you may be able to seek compensation. File a personal injury claim with one of the vetted, professional attorneys that LegalFinders can recommend at no cost to you.

A personal injury claim is filed by a victim against a single party or parties. Negligence is a qualifier for a Zantac personal injury claim. Because Zantac manufacturers were aware of the adverse cancer-causing effects to the public and did not warn them, they were negligent by risking their safety.  Zantac had a duty to consumers which they breached and in turn, consumers were caused personal harm.

You can file claims against Zantac’s manufacturers as well as distributors of the drug, medical professionals, pharmacies, and any others who directly provided Zantac to individuals if they knew of its carcinogenic properties.

Zantac caused your illness, if you’re ready to hold their makers and sellers responsible then contact LegalFinders and we will put you in touch with the personal injury attorney who can help you receive compensation.

Damages awarded, your settlement amount, all depend on many variables such as the diagnosis and its severity. You can file for wrongful death, as part of the Zantac class action lawsuit, or in a Zantac MDL (multidistrict litigation). 

In a wrongful death claim, a loved one or relative can file a personal injury suit for recompense against the responsible parties. Zantac manufacturers and sellers committed negligence against people just like you who did not know taking the drug would harm them. 

Disclaimer: LegalFinders cannot guarantee representation, but we are committed to making it easier for your to connect with lawyers who can help you receive compensation if you’ve gotten cancer after using brand name Zantac products.


Zantac Class Action Lawsuits

In a class action claim an individual files a suit for a group of people who have been personally injured by a product, action or service, and represents their interests in a mass tort case.  However, the only compensation that can be awarded is recompense for the cost of its purchase. 

This means that documents such as pharmacy receipts are necessary and you will only get back whatever you spent on the drug throughout your usage. Class action suits can consist of a few people or millions, though pharmaceutical class action suits generally are in the millions because of the wide reach of Zantac’s sales. Only one person is needed to serve as lead plaintiff and plays an active role as the decision maker for the group but all others receive equal compensation in any settlements.

A lead plaintiff is required to hire an attorney, coordinate with them and make settlement decisions; they must represent the class in a fair way. The court decides if class action certification is applicable and can move forward as a suit. LegalFinders’ recommended attorneys can help determine those who had knowledge of adverse symptoms or who were unaware or overlooked information and defend your claim.

There are many confusing elements to filing lawsuits so it’s vital to have a good attorney to help you navigate them. 


Zantac Multidistrict Litigation

In a Zantac multidistrict litigation (MDL), a group of people are filing against a party –which is similar to a class action suit. However, MDL has many different individuals who are all filing independently against the same party. The same judge oversees all proceedings so as to not back up the court, though they are still individual suits.


You Have Zantac Litigation Options 

The type of suit you file is personal. If your goal is to be reimbursed for the cost you’ve paid for Zantac then you may find a class-action suit is for you. If you’ve been personally harmed by developing an illness or losing a loved one then you may find that a personal injury claim will provide more adequate compensation. You may need help deciding what kind of suit to file, which is why the personal injury attorneys from LegalFinders’ are here to help if you just reach out to us. 


Zantac Defendants

The manufacturers of Zantac are huge and include large pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim and Sanofi. They reaped millions off of the cancer-causing products they distributed. There were toxic amounts of the carcinogen NDMA that only became stronger over time while sitting on shelves. These pharmaceutical giants may be negligent if they knew Zantac had been linked to cancer but continued to sell the products anyway and didn’t disclose any health risks to the world. No statements were ever released regarding Zantac but peer-reviewed studies show that the carcinogenic effects were obvious.

According to whistleblower Valisure, the online pharma company, cancer-causing effects of NDMA in Zantac (ranitidine) were “well characterized in the scientific literature.”


Zantac Attorneys in Your Area

You are not alone. Zantac attorneys in your area are handling suits right now related to the adverse effects of the drug. Thousands of people from all over the US and the world are seeking compensation from Zantac manufacturers because they failed in reporting the drug’s cancer-causing element.


LegalFinders Will Provide Your Attorney Recommendation for Free

LegalFinders won’t charge you a dime to recommend you a vetted lawyer who will offer a free consultation. Many Zantac lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, without a retainer, which means that they only get paid a percentage if you win your case and settle.

Have you suffered a cancer diagnosis or other illness as a result of Zantac? Did a loved one experience a wrongful death at the hands of the carcinogenic drug? Did the expenses of Zantac prove to be too much? You deserve compensation for your unknowing consumption of cancer-causing drugs due to the negligence from Zantac manufacturers who did not disclose the drug’s effects to the public.


Contact LegalFinders Today!

To find out if you qualify for a Zantac lawsuit, contact LegalFinders today and we’ll get in touch with attorneys to serve your legal needs and hold the drug makers responsible.

You may be able to join others in a similar situation. 

There are many benefits to filing a lawsuit against Zantac manufacturers and distributors. 

You can receive compensation for both direct harm such as health problems and indirect harm such as social effects and pain and suffering. You’ll also be fighting for justice against negligent pharmaceutical giants and holding them accountable. 

By filing a claim you’re actually working as an agent of change; pharmaceutical companies will actively work against negligence so others aren’t harmed like you were. Another obvious benefit is that if you win your claim, you are compensated personally either for the cost of the medication or for your pain and suffering. Your attorney’s fees and others are usually paid out of settlement. 

Contact LegalFinders and we’ll help you overcome some of the stress of your Zantac interaction and pain and suffering by providing you with access to an attorney who is ready, willing, and able to fight for you.


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