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You may have many questions when you are involved in a motorcycle wreck, we are here to help! We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions by motorcycle accident victims in the state of Michigan.
A personal injury can be a minor or serious injury(s) that results in pain and suffering on behalf of the victim. Personal injuries are extremely common in accidents — especially motorcycle accidents. Most motorists don’t leave an accident unscathed, even if they only suffer a mild case of road rash.
Any personal injury you incur is eligible for compensation from insurance companies in most situations. This is especially true if you have good insurance coverage and insurance laws that adhere to this particular situation.
There are all kinds of injuries a Michigan motorist can sustain in an accident. Some of the most common include:
Because injuries are inevitable in motorcycle collisions, carrying personal injury protection, or PIP, is always wise when riding.
One of the first things that should be done is to get in touch with the police. Whoever is able or least injured should contact the police so they can call ambulances to the scene. They will also drive to the scene, document the situation, take photos, and give you a police report that includes details of the crash and who was at fault.
Additionally, once the ambulance arrives, you should allow the EMTs to perform an evaluation of your condition and then go to the hospital for further evaluation by a medical professional. You should do this regardless of whether or not you feel injured. Accident injuries can sometimes take a while to notice, and without immediate treatment, can quickly worsen.
Lastly, if you are able, you should document the scene. Take photos of your injuries and vehicle, get any contact information from witnesses who saw the accident, and ensure you have a copy of the police report.
Michigan is one of the few states in the nation that is a no-fault state. This means that each accident victim must file a claim with their own personal motorcycle insurance carrier no matter who was at fault. The Michigan no-fault law requires all motorists to carry no-fault insurance benefits to ensure this coverage is available in the event of a crash.
The statute of limitations in Michigan for personal injury claims is three years from the date of the accident. If you fail to file a claim by this time, you will no longer be able to seek compensation from your insurance company or the court.
There are a few exceptions to this statute of limitations in the state of Michigan, including:
After a Michigan motorcycle accident, many people wonder if they should seek legal representation. The answer to this question is uniquely individual and depends on your needs and situation.
When looking for a personal attorney, try to find one that has proven success working with motorcycle accident law and personal injury law. They should also be highly familiar with your area or the area in which the accident occurred. Some cities have different laws surrounding motorcycles and accidents, and the lawyer must be familiar with and understand each of these laws to properly represent you.
Motorcyclists involved in accidents are often left with pain, suffering, injuries, and property damage. These things can quickly add up and begin to affect every aspect of the motorcycle accident victim’s life. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle collision in Michigan, reach out to LegalFinders today to get connected with a reputable personal injury lawyer in your area.
Michigan is located in the Great Lakes area of the nation and has a population of more than 10 million. It’s the 10th largest state by population and the 11th largest state by area, coming in at 97,000 square miles or 250,000 kilometers. Home to Michigan is Detroit, the most popular, populated, and the biggest metropolitan region in the United States. This area alone attracts millions of people to the state each year.
These numbers in terms of population are great for the Michigan and United States’ economy as a whole. However, it also means that the highways and roads are usually packed full of motor vehicles, trucks, and motorists. Accidents have steadily increased and are a common cause of fatalities in Michigan.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a negligent driver while riding a motorcycle, you have rights and should be entitled to seek compensation for your damages, injuries, and medical expenses. It’s important to note that because of the increased number of crashes, some insurance companies have turned to shady tactics to minimize claimant’s claim values. This ensures they pay much less than what is rightfully due.
Using an experienced and dedicated motorcycle accident attorney is the best way to make sure your rights are honored and that you are given the proper compensation for your motorcycle accident case. LegalFinders can help you find an experienced attorney who’d be happy to provide you with a free consultation and guide you on this path. Contact us today or fill out the contact form so we can tell you more about what we do and how we can help.
Understanding the motorcycle statistics in your area is crucial if you wish to drive your two-wheeled vehicle there. Statistics can arm you with important information and help you be more cautious when riding by yourself or with other bikers. Here are a few key motorcycle accident statistics in Michigan:
Traffic accidents that involved motorcycles
in the recent year
People killed in a traffic accident involving a motorcycle in the recent year
2,176 motorcycle riders were injured
Motorcycles were part of all accidents in Michigan
Motorcycle accidents involving alcohol intoxication in the recent year
4 involved using a smartphone and driving
Knowing which roads are most dangerous for motor vehicles is another way to increase your knowledge of your area and to help you make wise decisions when riding. Some of the most dangerous roads and intersections you should try to involve include:
Roadways and Intersections |
1. Gratiot Ave. in Detroit |
2. Telegraph Road Grand River in Wayne County |
3. I-94 in DTW |
4. US-131 in Grand Rapids |
5. Dort Highway in Flint |
6. M-11 in Grand Rapids |
7. US-10 in Ludington |
8. I-496 US-127 in Lansing |
9. I-96 in Lansing |
10. I-94 in Jackson |
LegalFinders goes to great lengths to thoroughly vet each attorney and law firm we decide to represent when providing clients with recommendations. This means that you can trust that whatever attorney we connect you with is highly skilled and has already been evaluated for their effectiveness.
LegalFinders works with all kinds of individuals, including those that carry insurance and those that don’t. Regardless of your needs for a motorcycle accident attorney, LegalFinders can help. Contact us to learn more about our services and what we can do for you.
Our staff are standing by to help you find the perfect attorney for your case.
Published: 18 April 2022