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Hiring a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Alaska

You may have many questions when you are involved in a motorcycle wreck, we are here to help! We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions by motorcycle accident victims in the state of Alaska.

What Is The Statute Of Limitations On Motorcycle Accidents In Alaska?

Throughout the US, statutes of limitations vary greatly by state. In some states, you have a comfortable six years to file a motor vehicle claim, while in others, you have much less time to settle your claim. In Alaska, you have just two years to file and settle a claim.

Given this shorter amount of time, it is extremely important to reach out as soon as possible to receive your free consultation. LegalFinders works to pair you with local law firms in your area with reputable lawyers offering expertise in your area’s specific statute of limitations.

I’d Like To File A claim For A Motorcycle Accident/Crash. What Now?

When you or a loved one have experienced a motorcycle accident or crash, it is important to first contact any related insurance companies that may need to get involved. Make sure your claim involves the information of all vehicles involved, or the information of as many vehicles as possible. In addition to car insurance, if your claim involves a situation of medical injury, you may need to reach out to your medical insurance. If you are a victim of a motorcycle crash, don’t let an uninsured and/or irresponsible driver distract you from your right to seek legal consultation. Call today and we’ll connect you with the legal team at one of our network’s law firms to conduct a case review.

Please note: It will be important to have all records related to your claim handy for your consultation to be the most effective. The more documentation you have, the more legally sound your wrongful death claim will become, leading to a better settlement offer. These documents could include the medical records of the victim of the claim, police reports describing any related incident, testimonials, photos and more.

My Loved One Died Because Of An Accident, What Legal Options Could I Pursue?

In many cases, the loved ones of fatally injured victims of motorcycle accidents file a wrongful death claim against other individuals involved in the crash. This option often leads to the best settlements, especially in cases overseen by a jury. So what classifies as a wrongful death?

The legal definition of a wrongful death originates from the Illinois Wrongful Death Act of 1995 (740 ILCS 180/0.01), which declared a wrongful death as “any death caused by wrongful act, neglect, or default.” This means any act of misconduct done by someone that results in a fatality may be classified as “wrongful” in a court of law. Often parties at-fault of a wrongful death, whether their offense be considered intentional or accidental, may be liable both criminally and civilly for the act resulting in the wrongful death.

LegalFinders specializes in connecting you with legal experts that can provide specifics to your claim and give you the answers that would help your specific situation. Mulling through legal definitions may be the last thing you want to do in moments of great tragedy and loss. Reach out to schedule your free consultation today.

Our professionals have exceptional experience connecting clients throughout the entire state of Alaska to the best law firms well-known for their success in motorcycle accident lawsuits. Whether you need legal consultation because your property was damaged by a motorcyclist, your loved one was injured or you’re a motorcyclist struggling to understand your insurance coverage – we pride ourselves in offering only the most top-rated motorcyclist accident lawyers available.

Connecting You To The Best Attorneys In Alaska

When considering whether or not to request assistance in filing a claim involving a motorcycle accident, know that you aren’t alone, and asking for financial settlements in the aftermath of a motorcyclist accident is not unusual. Even in Alaska, there are several instances of families asking for a financial settlement to ease the burden of motorcycle-related accidents. Don’t miss out on potentially life-changing settlements, reach out to LegalFinders to arrange your free consultation today!

In a 2020 article published by the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (otherwise referred to as CBC News), author Jackie Hong described a motorcycle accident south of Whitehorse, Alaska involving several vehicles. The accident resulted in two deaths including a motorcyclist, and the family of the motorcyclist victim filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the surviving individuals involved in the crash. Although there was no further reporting on any settlements for the case, wrongful death claims tend to offer substantial settlements to grieving families. Do not underestimate the value of contacting legal professionals to evaluate your options.

If you would like to learn more about wrongful death claims and are interested to see if your claim may classify as a wrongful death, utilize the free consultation services with LegalFinders. We are determined to connect you to only the best law firms with the necessary expertise to assure your claim and potential settlements are successful.

In Late 2021, Anchorage witnessed an uptick in motorcyclist accidents, according to Anchorage Daily News. Within the first week of November, two motorcycle crash victims lost their lives. In both instances, the motorcyclists driving were the only ones who were fatally wounded. Given the heightened risk of safety that comes with driving motorcycles in general, it only makes sense that these types of tragedies result in more motorcyclist deaths.

If you’re wondering whether or not to file a claim, it wouldn’t hurt to schedule your free consultation today! LegalFinders is here to point you in the right direction, whether it be for legal professionals with expertise in personal injury, wrongful death or several other types of claims. We have a well developed network of lawyers who want to assure you receive only the best legal advice.

In choosing not to file a claim, you forfeit the chance at life changing settlements, settlements that could provide financial relief and then some. Don’t allow yourself to fall into the category of those who do not seek legal consultation.

We can connect you with lawyers who specialize in negotiating settlements that favor clients impacted by motorcycle accidents. We pride ourselves in cultivating the most effective and beneficial attorney-client relationships. Allow LegalFinders to assist you in getting the relief you deserve. Our legal experts understand they can’t change the tragedy behind your claim, but they certainly are able to assist you through it by helping you achieve considerable financial relief.

Alcohol And Motorcycle Accidents In Alaska

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety in 2019, 92 percent of the total number of drivers killed in motorcycle accidents in Alaska were found to have a BAC (blood alcohol content) level above the legal limit of .08 at the time of accident. Although the number of fatalities caused by motorcycle accidents may be relatively low in Alaska in comparison to the rest of America, that doesn’t mean that these accidents could not have been prevented or that they did not happen. Imagine how many fatalities could have been avoided entirely if alcohol was not a factor!

If you or a loved one was injured or killed in a motorcycle accident involving alcohol impairment and you’d like to know how to get more information on filing a personal injury and/or wrongful death claim, reach out to LegalFinders today for a free consultation and we’ll make sure that you’re connected to the best law firms in your area.

According to a study conducted by the Department of Transportation, nationally only 42 percent of motorcyclists killed in single-vehicle accidents in 2019 were alcohol-impaired at time of accident. When compared to the Alaskan statistic of 92 percent of driver fatalities involving illegal levels of alcohol consumption, it’s clear that Alaska is in need of the best legal consultants for instances of alcohol-related motorcycle accidents, and LegalFinders is happy to help get you the assistance you need. Our team is well connected to lawyers trained in consultation and the legal processes it takes to make claims involving motorcycle accidents successful.

In many cases, intoxicated drivers who crash often damage not only themselves but also the property they crash into. If your property has been damaged by a motorcyclist under the influence of alcohol, you may be entitled to financial compensation, regardless of what happened to the driver who caused the damage. Don’t let the potential tragedies of the people involved prevent you from getting assistance you may be entitled to. Contact LegalFinders today to set up your free consultation!

Alaska Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics

In many cases, fatalities that amount from motor vehicle accidents go unreported and claims that could have been made are not. If you have experienced any type of motor vehicle accident, do not hesitate to reach out and schedule your free consultation with LegalFinders. Below are more in-depth statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety regarding Alaska’s specific statistics when it comes to motor vehicle accidents.

In 2019, Alaska had the highest percentage of deaths involving SUV and pickup occupants in the US, totalling a hefty 48 percent of the state’s total number of motor vehicle fatalities. The study also indicated that of the state’s total motor vehicle accident fatalities, motorcyclist deaths contributed to nine percent of the total.

Motorcyclist deaths in Alaska, although not as numerous as motorcyclist deaths in other parts of the country, still surpassed the percentages of deaths found in both large truck and bicyclist accidents in the state. Together, deaths caused by large trucks and bicyclists only amounted to seven percent of the state’s total fatalities caused by motor vehicle accidents.

It’s not easy to say how many families of those lost to motor vehicle accidents seek legal consultation, but it is clear that doing so is the best option. Of course no dollar amount can fix the loss of life or the true cost of injury, but it can certainly help ease the burden placed on individuals who experience the tragedy and its aftermath.

LegalFinders is dedicated to connecting you to the best lawyers and law firms in your local area. Our networks of esteemed professionals are familiar with local statutes of limitations for various types of claims and know how to optimize your chances of reaching a satisfactory settlement. Do not allow your tragedy to remain just a statistic, take control and seek the legal advice entitled to you. It all begins with a consultation, and LegalFinders is happy to provide our consultation services for free. We care about you and our network of legal professionals want to assure you are receiving the best legal support possible.

LegalFinders Is Here To Relieve You Of The Stress Of Getting The Answers You Need

It matters not if you’re in Wasilla or Anchorage, when you get a free consultation with LegalFinders, you’ll be connected with industry-leading law firms and legal experts determined to make sure you have the best possible experience. With your confidentiality in mind, LegalFinders will assist you in being mindful that accident victims suffer from associated trauma.

Disclaimer: If you’re suffering from trauma it’s always important to see a doctor who specializes in PTSD after an accident.

With LegalFinders, you’ll be on your way to filing a successful claim and reaching a settlement that will lessen the burden of the experience you’ve had involving a motorcycle accident.

LegalFinders is determined to assist you in your legal needs through connecting you to our network of experienced attorneys. Even if you don’t have insurance that would strengthen your claim, do not hesitate. If your loved one has died in an accident due to someone else’s misconduct or you’ve experienced financial hardship in the aftermath of an accident, like medical bills and funeral expenses, we want to help you find a legal expert to lessen the burden of the tragedy however possible.

LegalFinders can help you search for all the answers. Contact LegalFinders today to start the path to fair compensation, and we’ll connect you with an Alaska motorcycle accident attorney for an initial consultation. Our attorney network is designed to understand motorists like you. If you think you have a motorcycle accident claim, contact LegalFinders now!


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