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Hiring a Car Accident Attorney in Minnesota

You may have many questions when you are involved in a car wreck, we are here to help! We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions by car accident victims in the state of Minnesota.

What Do I Do After A Car Accident In Minnesota?

Whether serious injuries were sustained during the car accident, it’s crucial to seek medical care immediately following the crash. It’s of the utmost importance to take pictures of the accident site when filing your insurance claim.

After filing your claim with your insurance company, gather all the necessary documentation in order to support your claim. These will be documents such as medical records, police reports, testimonials, photos, and any other documents that solidify your personal injury claim. The more documentation, the stronger your car accident case will be. Don’t wait, get in contact with a personal injury lawyer for a free consultation about your car accident case today.

What Is A Personal Injury?

A personal injury is defined as a physical or emotional pain inflicted on a person as a result of an accident. Suffering from a personal injury is common among those who’ve been in a motor vehicle accident. Most people don’t realize a personal injury doesn’t have to be just physical. From never-ending medical expenses to extensive recovery times, it’s no secret personal injuries are costly.

The pain and suffering continue with financial losses due to automobile, truck, and motorcycle accidents. In 2018, the CDC reported a total of $627 million in Minnesota traffic-related accident fatalities. Make sure to claim all your medical bills and any other injury-related expenses with your insurance company in order to receive the compensation you deserve.

Fear you’ve been underpaid? Feeling like your insurance company doesn’t have your back? Contact LegalFinders today, for they partner with experienced attorneys in your area in order to get you fair compensation. Call for a free consultation today.

What Are Some Common Personal Injuries After A Car Accident?

A personal injury can result in all kinds of serious injuries or traumas. Some common car accident injuries individuals can suffer from due to an automobile accident are:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Sprained muscles, ligaments, and tendons
  • Spinal cord injury and whiplash
  • Burns and possible disfigurement
  • PTSD and distress
What If I Don’t Feel Hurt?

Seek medical attention immediately after a car accident regardless of present injuries or not. Certain injuries can take up to a few days to appear, seeking medical attention early on can help prevent further damage. This is also one way to ensure all injuries are documented after an accident. Also document any subsequent trips to the doctor regarding your car accident injuries and include the bills in your insurance claim documents.

Don’t let your insurance company bully you into living with chronic pain because they refuse to pay your claim. LegalFinders will connect you with top-rated law firms in the twin cities of Minnesota.

How Do I Know Who Is At Fault?

The fault regarding a car accident is based on whether or not you live in an at-fault or no-fault state. In an at-fault state, like Texas, for example, the insurance company of the faulty party is responsible for the costs of the accident for both parties. In a no-fault state, each party’s insurance company pays for their respective party’s damages. Minnesota is a no-fault state. However, that doesn’t prevent you or the other party from filing a personal injury claim in a no-fault state.

Minnesota law will allow you to pursue a claim against the faulty party if your injuries are serious enough. Such as if your medical expenses exceed $4,000, you have sustained a permanent injury, scarring, or disfigurement, or 60 days of a disability or more, you can bring a claim against the driver’s insurance company. So it’s important to get in touch with a car accident lawyer in your state, like the ones we help you find at LegalFinders.

What If I’m Partly At Fault?

Living in an at-fault state could mean a slight possibility the fault is split between the multiple drivers. Meaning both parties are deemed partly at fault for the motor vehicle accident instead of the fault just resting on one driver.

Certain actions to consider where you could find yourself partially at fault are: driving without headlights, running a red light, or you were texting. Car accident law can be confusing and you need a lawyer with knowledge and experience in the area where you drive.

What If I Live In A No-Fault State?

Residing in a no-fault state assures your insurance company will work with the insurance adjusters of all involved parties to pay all claims. This process may take longer and means your insurance rates are likely to increase any time you are in a car accident.

If your insurance company fails to offer compensation for medical bills, you may need to speak with an attorney like the ones we connect you to at LegalFinders. We’ll connect you with the best personal injury attorney to handle your car accident claim. Call today.

When Do I Contact A Personal Injury Attorney After An Accident?

Don’t wait to receive notice from your insurance company that your claim has been denied. Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer immediately after your accident to ensure needs are being met. Unsure of how to contact a personal injury attorney? LegalFinders is centered around connecting car accident victims to reputable car accident lawyers in their area in order to receive fair compensation they deserve.

Remember, there’s a statute of limitations on accident claims, so call today for your free consultation and to be connected to a car accident lawyer right away.

What Is The Statute Of Limitations On Personal Injury In Minnesota?

Statute of limitations refers to the amount of time the injured party has to file a claim from the date the accident occurred. This varies from state to state. In Minnesota, the injured party generally has up to six years to file an auto accident claim. However, the circumstances are different when it comes to drunk driving accidents or accidents that involve fatalities.

In the State of Minnesota the statute of limitations for a car accident that results in the death of a loved one, the surviving family has up to three years from the date of an accident to file a claim. Another exception is with drunk driving cases. These cases both have a notice requirement for a bar who may have illegally served the driver, as well as a two-year statute of limitations for filing a case against the bar.

A few other exceptions that reduce the statute of limitations include (but are not limited to), a claim against the car manufacturer where there was a defect in the design or construction of the car that contributed to the accident.


How Do I Choose A Personal Injury Attorney?

Every state has different laws when it comes to traffic accidents, thus, changing the way any attorney can defend your personal injury claim. Keep in mind, when choosing a personal injury attorney, you want someone who has experience trying cases similar to yours.

With the assistance of LegalFinders, choosing an attorney has never been easier. Browsing through top-notch Minnesota car accident lawyers at your fingertips, makes it one less thing you have to worry about. We vet car accident attorneys to make sure they have personal injury experience and can process your claim.

Looking for an experienced car accident lawyer in the state of Minnesota? LegalFinders works with the top-rated personal injury attorneys in your area. Contact us today to take the hassle out of filing claims with your insurance company.

Minnesota car accident

LegalFinders Connects You With The Best Minnesota Car Accident Lawyers

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of fatal car accidents has increased all across the country. Various state Departments of Transportation and law enforcement offices have since raised alarm bells in the state of Minnesota about unsafe and reckless driving.

From Minneapolis to St. Paul, authorities in the state of Minnesota have determined that the main causes of fatal automobile accidents are speeding, careless driving, and running red lights. When motor vehicle accidents occur, there are a number of things that take place. Vehicle and property damage, insurance claims,  personal injuries, medical expenses, and in rare cases wrongful death.

According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, over the past decade, there have been over 400 wrongful deaths and 30,500 injuries every year on Minnesota’s roadways. With the help of LegalFinders, you’re sure to be connected with a top-rated Minnesota car accident lawyer in your area.

Minnesota Car Crash Statistics

Looking at the data compiled from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, they concluded there were a total of 80,636 traffic-related car crashes. As a result of those car accidents, 27,260 people suffered from serious injuries and 364 people died.

Here is an overview of motor vehicle accident statistics for the State of Minnesota in 2019:

Alcohol-related deaths


Fatal crashes occurred in rural areas


(less than 5000 population)

Leading cause of death to young people

traffic crashes

Hit-and-Run crashes


Don’t become the next car accident statistic! Contact LegalFinders today to get connected with an attorney who can handle your claim.

Minnesota’s Most Dangerous Highways

Listed below are the top five most dangerous highways in Minnesota:

Highways Accident Statistics
US 169 27 car accident fatalities in 2019
US 12 24 automotive accident fatalities in 2019
US 14 12 car wreck fatalities in 2019
Interstate 94 20 automobile accident fatalities in 2019
US 10 14 motor vehicle fatalities in 2019

Call LegalFinders To Find The Best Minnesota Car Accident Attorneys

When we put you in touch with the best attorney to handle your personal injury claim, you’ll feel better knowing you are in good hands, connected with a vetted and successful personal injury firm.

No matter what insurance company you have or what level of coverage, LegalFinders will help support your legal needs through our network of experienced attorneys. Even if you don’t have insurance, if you’ve been in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, we want to help you find an attorney for your situation.


Our staff are standing by to help you find the perfect attorney for your case.

Image of the lawyer

Published: 8 March 2022


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention —  Motor Vehicle Crash Deaths: Costly But Preventable – Minnesota

Legal Information Institute — Personal injury

Minnesota Department of Public Safety — Minnesota Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2019